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We present our Event

Below, you'll find an exploration of the conference

according to the program of the day.


We have also put together photo galleries specific to the Reception

and to the Conference itself


Ashland Global Peace Conference

Setting the conference framework: The iconic symbol of Unity -
the World Peace Flame inspires personal commitment to Peace.

INTRODUCTION – David Wick, Co-founder, Ashland Culture of Peace Commission, MC

WELCOME – John Stromberg, Mayor, City of Ashland

SPECIAL MESSAGE from U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley of Oregon

Introduction of the World Peace Flame in Ashland – Irene Kai, Co-founder, Ashland Culture of Peace Commission

A Special Message

US Senator Jeff Merkley of Oregon with a special message to the Ashland Global Peace Conference

Finley Taylor, Flame Keeper of the World Peace Flame in Ashland, Oregon


Read Finley Taylor's presentation 

Learning what it means to "Be the Flame"


Keynote – The Global Movement for the Culture of Peace

Ambassador Anwarul K. Chowdury

 Former Under-Secretary-General and High Representative of the United Nations,

and Founder of the Global Movement of the Culture of Peace


Read the Keynote Speech 



A message from the United States Institute of Peace: A Common Vision and a Common Mission

Dr. David Yang

Vice President, Center for Applied Conflict Transformation United States Institute of Peace


Read Dr. Yang's Opening Remarks



The Oregon State Panel

Jeff Golden – Senator Oregon State Legislature

Pam Marsh – Representative Oregon State Legislature

Rich Rosenthal – Ashland City Councilor

Tighe O’Meara – Ashland Chief of Police

Sandra Slattery – Executive Director, Ashland Chamber of Commerce

Kelly Raymond – Superintendent, Ashland School District

The Ashland City Panel

Creating Infrastructures for Peace

Dr. Saul Arbess

 Director, Canadian Peace Initiative and Co-Founder and Director,

Global Alliance For Ministries and Infrastructure For Peace


Read Dr. Arbess's speech 


David Zaslow – Rabbi, Interfaith Community

Sheila Clough – CEO, Asante Ashland Community Hospital

Linda Schott – President, Southern Oregon University

Steven Saslow – CEO and Publisher, Rosebud Media

Dee Anne Everson – Executive Director, United Way of Jackson County

Amrita Ramanan – Director of Literary Development and Dramaturgy, Oregon Shakespeare Festival

Rogue Valley Community Panel

Summary, Inspiration: Be The Flame

Will Wilkinson and Chris Harding of Thriving Leadership Academy


A summary of the key points of the conference, followed by an invitation to participants to apply what they’ve learned, and specific action steps to integrate it all.

Light the World Peace Flame Candle and read the Invocation inspired by the World Peace Flame

Irene Kai leads everyone in lighting their personal World Peace Flame Candle and reading the invocation inspired by the World Peace Flame and written by Irene.

This is a deeply inspiring and meaningful moment for everyone.

We are the Flame!

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2305-C Ashland St. #337, Ashland, OR 97520

541-552-1061 •


Website updated and maintained by Mia Ferrell

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